Tick-tock goes the clock.
We are surrounded by time in all its various forms, a gentle reminder that we're on a life-clock...and hopefully we'll get many days while we hang out on this third rock from the sun.
Oh, so many clocks...they surround us on appliances, technology, phones, Darth Vader alarm clocks, and old-fashioned wall clocks (my son learned to tell time via Roman Numerals at the ripe age of 4...he has a thing for clocks and schedules). Time is everywhere.
Another 365 days have now come to a close as we usher in a new year. Another 31 million seconds (or 525,000 minutes or 8,760 hours) have come...and gone. So what did we do with all of that precious time? Some minutes or hours were lost into an abyss of nothingness. And that's okay. Some were spent on heartache or struggles. That's also okay. Some were invested into careers/parenting. Also good. Some were spent on joyous occasions, travels, or special moments. And that rocks.
What's amazing about each brand new year is that we choose how to spend our time (more or less...). Time is a gift. Time is not infinite.
With the end of the year, we may have our regrets...our wishlist that didn't get completed, goals that seemed to be swept aside by life's unexpected events. All the could's, should's, would's. Yeah, they're there, too. It's okay to have some regrets, so long as we don't dwell on them, right?
We were all given the same 31 million seconds this year. So what did I do besides breathe, eat, and sleep?
My Adventurous Endeavors and Memorable Moments of 2017:
Joined Twitter -- lookout, world!
Countless hugs and love-you's from my children and husband...along with their own special milestones this year.
Published my first book, A Hundred Kisses, (this secretly should be #1)!! [insert happy dance].
Visited Lake Placid and Door County, Wisconsin for writing assignments.
Left a fruitful, demanding job to follow my full-time writing dream (A little more about that).
Ventured through Nova Scotia with my husband.
Celebrated my website's 1-year-anniversary.
Connected with other writers via social media and friends.
Finished my second book in the "Hundred" trilogy (currently my writer buddy is reading the first draft), while I outline the third book...btw, this latest manuscript is my 6th manuscript completed...3 are hidden in a drawer somewhere as a learning experience. Yes, 6th!
Conquered my fear of heights in a fun tree-canopy-ropes course with my family (who am I kidding? I'm still scared.).
Enjoyed so many cherished moments with friends and family.
Appreciated the support and patience of a few close friends while dealing with my own struggles.
My Speed Bumps (Let's call them "Moments to Reflect and Grow") of 2017:
Left a fruitful, demanding job to follow my full-time writing dream (A little more about that) -- yes, it's the same as #5 on my memorable moments, too. A milestone life moment can be both gratifying and terrifying.
Saw the resurgence of a life-long battle with anxiety/depression this fall (and I'm busy digging myself out -- there is light at the end of the tunnel!).
43 rejections on my newest work (Women's Fiction - a genre jump for this romance author and the 5th novel I've written). 55 if you count the dozen "no responses" I'm waiting on.
The throes of parenthood ('nuff said?).
Losing a few friendships.